We've defined a detailed privacy policy documenting the data we collect, the reasons why and how we process this data.

We've also summarised links below relating to your rights of access under the EU general data protection regulations (GDPR) and other privacy related points of interest:

  • Data Processing: In order to provide the FitQuest services and assessments, we need to process some data relating to you (some of which may be personally sensitive). Use of our services is entirely opt-in.
  • Data Storage: FitQuest measurement data is stored in data centres within the EU (hosted on Microsoft Azure). Some other servers are user internationally for additional services (support, email, etc).
  • Data Categories: The types of data we store are outlined in our privacy policy.
  • Data Sharing: Our privacy policy outlines the circumstances under which data may be disclosed to third-parties and the recipients.
  • Data Deletion: You can request we delete your account (including all measurement history) at any time. This is sometimes described as your right to be forgotten.
  • Data Sources: Our privacy policy outlines the various sources from which we collect/obtain data.
  • Data Profiling: We may offer insights, training tips or programmes based upon data in your profile. The results of any such profiling are accessible directly in your account. We may also use data extracts (anonymised) for research purposes (to improve our product or algorithms for example). We can exclude your data from such programmes if you prefer.
  • Data Extracts: You can download history of your fitness and body composition results via our FQ score portal. Please contact us for anything further, we will endeavour to comply with reasonable requests where possible (assuming it does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others).
  • Data Corrections: Please contact us if you feel there are errors in any data we hold relating to you.

Note: This list is not intended to be exhaustive in nature and does not affect your statutory rights.