A blank screen can appear on the FitQuest for several reasons. The first action to be taken when a blank screen occurs is to perform a cold reboot as a shutdown from the service panel is unavailable.

To perform a cold reboot:

1. Switch off the green power button on the back of the FitQuest.
2. Switch off the wall power socket.
3. Leave the FitQuest off for 3 minutes.
4. Switch back on at the wall.
5. Switch the green power button back on ensuring the green light illuminates.
6. Watch the screen and note down what occurs (videos or pictures are extremely helpful).
7. If the screen is still blank, check that the blue LED button is illuminated (press the blue button momentarily if not). This blue button should stay illuminated for the entirety of the machine being powered on. 
8. Check nothing is plugged into the USB port (above the power inlet).

If a cold reboot does not solve the blank screen then raise a ticket via the support email address (support@miefitquest.com). Ensure to highlight that a cold reboot has been carried out and didn't resolve the blank screen and include any videos or pictures of the screen when starting backup.